(+39) 070.652.279 (Cagliari) / (+39) 063.221.852 (Roma) / (+39) 024.802.6613 (Milano)

European Union law

European Union law

In the area of ​​European Union law (defined as the set of rules relating to the organization, functioning and development of the European Union) the SLC is able to offer its customers qualified assistance in the proceedings before the bodies European courts and in administrative appeal procedures against the provisions of the European regulatory agencies (EUIPO, CPVO etc. etc.), as well as in internal administrative and jurisdictional procedures that involve or imply the application of supranational or national implementation law. In particular, the SLC has solid experience in the field of state aid and antitrust law.

– Qualified legal assistance and advice.

– Qualified legal assistance and advice in administrative and judicial proceedings, in the pre-litigation and litigation phase.

Links of interest
Unione europea Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea Commissione europea