(+39) 070.652.279 (Cagliari) / (+39) 063.221.852 (Roma) / (+39) 024.802.6613 (Milano)

About Us

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The SLC aims to offer commercial and industrial companies operating on the national, European and international markets qualified and specialized legal assistance for all problems related to the organization, and operation of entrepreneurial activity.

Founded in 1997 by Avv. Fabio Ciulli with a strong vocation for the resolution of disputes arising from community law implementation , the SLC has gained solid experience in the context of public / private enforcement of European antitrust law, assisting and representing numerous operators in the various production sectors , both in administrative and jurisdictional proceedings in front of Community bodies and then in front of the Union, and in internal procedures relating to the application of state and supranational competition and state aid legislation.

Twenty years after its foundation, the SLC today makes use of the collaboration of professionals with a high level of competency also in the field of tax and labor law, company and bankruptcy law, urban planning law and public procurement, with the intent to provide its business customers  with a 360 degree consultancy and assistance service.

Our offices

Our office building is a 1996 project by the architects Vallifuoco, Pani & Steingut (now VPS Architetti) published in 2002 in the book “Office Design” (ed. TeNeues), a work that has set itself the goal of highlighting how technological developments have transformed the way of working and, in many cases, the very definition of a workplace by presenting a global selection of 30 office spaces created by architects such as Mario Botta, Norman Foster and Frank Gehy. From the cutting edge design team of San Francisco, IDEO, to the DHL headquarters to the professional studio in Milan, exciting spaces that illustrate the many ways in which people and organizations have thought about what “going to work” means.